12 October 2007

New Blog: Women's Lens

I've just discovered Women's Lens, a blog that covers news relating to worldwide Jewry with "a specific slant on those originating from Egypt," as well as women's rights and their status worldwide, regardless of religious affiliations.

Blogger Aimée Dassa Kligman is an Egyptian-born Sephardic Jew who has lived in in New York City since 1962. She's discovering, through the web, a long lost family on her father's side. Though most of her formal schooling was in English, French is still her native language and numerous links on the site are for French language resources, and there are many links for international news sources. The blog began in May 2007.

Her cousin in Montreal is searching for their Dassa (AKA Deza) family roots and reported to Aimee that he found Deza in medieval Spain, along with their family crest. I also need to tell her that I searched Pere Bonnin's book, Sangre Judia, and found both Deza (1480 Toledo) and Daza (1483 Toledo) listed.

Take a look at Women's Lens here.

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